Thursday, June 25, 2009

pics so far of summer

Colton on fathers day Aiden and I got him a super mario brother 3 hat i love it and it looks nice on him but i dont know why he dose not have it on in his picture...
Me and Aiden love to jump and spin so in this pic i have us doing all that stuff lol and it was fun.
Here colton and i are but like all photos he dose not have his eyes open and is not smiling lol he is a total party pooper lol what a lame O...

Both pics are the same sorry i did not mean to do that lol but it is
ok lol sorry but aiden likes to bite for some reasion so yeah i need to get that fixed lol

Saturday, June 13, 2009

17 on wensday

It is finally almost here i will be 17 yay!!! i cant wait that means just one more year tell i am all grown up lol this is a big year for me thats coming up.I will grad this year and i will be getting my thyroid out and a lot more yeah... lol well wish me luck